Monday, 11 June 2012

Church in the Pub

 The local church in your local.

 Why not join us for a pub quiz at the Wendover Arms on Tuesday 26th June.

Teams are up to 4 people and entry is £1 per person?

Church in the Pub generally meets every other Wed at 7.45pm to chat about Christian issues in real life. There is a speaker to guide us and  last time Sam Mason told us how faith, hope and love overcome  hurdles.

Next session on Wed 20th June will be Sarah Mordaunt from the One Can Trust ,who provide food parcels to those, in crisis

 Begin using your hands for honest work, and then give generously to others in need.

Ephesians 4:28

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it was cold! The big freeze was 62/63. The snow lasted weeks and weeks and in Bucks although the roads were cleared the frozen snow piled at the sides must have been 10 feet tall. It towered over the cars that crawled along to work. By May there was a heat wave. The dawn chorus was amazing and the scent of lilac filled the air. Thanks for the memory Mervyn.
